Saturday, March 2, 2013

16 Week Update

Date: February 28, 2013

Next Doctor’s Appointment:  On March 20, 2013, I go to the doctor for an anatomy scan in Dallas.  I also have a 3D/4D ultrasound scan in Colorado on March 22nd! 
 Baby’s size:  Baby is the size of an Avocado!
How far along:  We are 16 weeks along!
Total weight gain: +5 pounds.  Current weight: 115
Sleep: I am sleeping very comfortably still. 
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new. I’m still making my pre pregnancy wardrobe work for me as best as I can.
Food cravings: Other than more Clementine oranges, there haven’t been any new cravings for me this week.
Food aversions: No food aversions.
Symptoms I have: Nasal congestion started this week. The nasal membranes swell when a large amount of estrogen is in the body. Blood volume is another reason for sinus congestion during pregnancy. There are many tiny blood vessels in the nose. With blood volumes increasing up to 40%, the nose will have more than its share of blood.  I also have noticed my body changing pretty rapidly.  Ligaments and muscles in my abdomen are stretching and because of that, I can’t move around as fast.  Instead of twisting my body to turn my alarm off in the morning, I have to carefully roll over… twisting hurts… similar to a pulled muscle.  I also have to get up from chairs slower than normal.  I have had headaches every morning for the first 30 minutes of the day.  I have pregnancy breakouts on my face, also.  Last week, the doctor told me that I was becoming anemic so I am now taking a daily iron supplement in addition to my prenatal vitamins.
Stretchmarks: Nada
 Movement: I think I feel some flutters from time to time, but I am hoping that next week I will be able to really feel some real kicks. I really can’t wait for Kiley to feel.
Belly Button: innie
Gender: It’s a secret!
 Best moment of the week: The best moment this week is having my sister McKenzie in town for her 21st birthday weekend!!! Thank you to my papa for sending her here to see me! I love you dad!

What I miss:  I miss sleeping on my tummy.
What I’m looking forward to:  We have an official anatomy scan on March 20th that I am excited for. I always love getting ultrasounds because I love seeing our babe.  I am also looking forward to my first 4D ultrasound on March 22nd! My cousin Shannon is gifting two 4D ultrasound sessions to Kiley and I throughout the pregnancy! What a beautiful and generous gift… I can’t believe we will be able to see what the baby looks like… all of its features and movements in real time.  We get to keep images and a DVD from each session, too!!! So we can watch it over and over again if we want to.  The sonograms are in CO so the fact that we are getting a DVD of the ultrasound is fun because we will be able to share the experience with family and friends that aren’t in CO.  The first 3D/4D session is scheduled at about 20 weeks and the other will be at about 30 weeks.  We are THRILLED to be able to see our sweet baby in 3D & 4D.  I just can’t even describe my excitement! Another exciting event is the gender reveal party on March 23rd with my family! My mama is putting together a sweet little party for the gender reveal and I couldn't be more excited! She has done so much for me, y'all... I love my mom!
Additional Details: (a letter to my unborn child)

To my sweet little love,
I am so happy to be writing this letter to you right now.  You are so special, your daddy and I both know.  You are our very first child.  I never knew I could be ready for such a huge life event this early on, but I am enjoying this much more than I could have ever dreamed.  To have been chosen to be the parents to such a beautiful soul is the greatest blessing we have ever been granted in our lives.  What an overwhelming feeling of love.  We love each other so much... you are the most beautiful and perfect manifestation of that.  You have been perfect from the beginning.  You have a strong beating heart and a beautiful, growing body.  You are so special.  Something about you gives me this feeling of peace and nostalgia that I haven’t ever felt before.  I feel more connected with life.  I know that this is where I was meant to be.  I have began to feel your tiny little flutters inside my womb and each time, I am reminded of what a blessing it is to grow a tiny life inside me.  You are already such a beautiful soul. I can feel it from within me.  When I am exhausted and when my body aches, I work harder to be grateful for the reasons I am feeling this way.   I want to experience you fully, both the pleasures and pains. I yearn to remember these complex emotions and fleeting sensations with gratitude. Little love, you don’t have a proper name yet, but I love you with every fiber of my being. You have felt this incredible love since the moment we found out you existed.  Your dad and I have a love for you that is unmatched by any… a love that is eternal and will be with you forever.  You are a blessing from God. You have an eager and loving family waiting for you.  You are already treasured and celebrated and admired. For all of these things my sweet, you are the next chapter of our humble family story as it unfolds.  I am so excited to see your beautiful face, feel your tiny feet and touch your soft hair.  I will wait patiently for you, enjoying every moment that you are on the inside. Come as you are, my dearest child. And come when you are ready.

With every ounce of my love,

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