Tuesday, March 19, 2013

18 Week Update

*Note, I know this was posted on the 19th but I was 18 weeks on the 15th. I apologize for the delay.. you'll see why as you read forward.  I pre wrote a little bit of it so the dates and timelines are shifted a little... (They're based on the 15th and not on today, the 19th).  Thank you for reading.

Date: March 15, 2013

This photo shows how much the baby is moving my organs.  It also shows growth, size and that the top of the uterus is now in line with my belly button.

Next Doctor’s Appointment:  March 20, 2013
 Baby’s size:  Baby is the size of a Sweet Potato! I’ve also read baby is the size of a turnip this week (Hence the turnip photo).
How far along:  We are 18 weeks along!
Total weight gain: +8 pounds.  Current weight: 118
Sleep:  Sleep is not an issue for me.  I love my sleep.
Maternity Clothes: I still haven’t bought many maternity items.
 Food cravings: I have been loving on apples, grapes, bananas, peaches, berries, citrus. FRUIT!
 Food aversions: none
Symptoms I have: Small breakouts on my skin is my biggest issue.  I have been trying to remember to eat small meals throughout the day because I get kind of sick feeling when I try to stuff too much food into my body at one time.  Back pain has started for me this week.  I read that my heart is now working about 40% harder to support my pregnancy. I also just had the realization that I am in my 5th month of pregnancy… wow.  Time sure is flying by. Baby has doubled in weight over the past two weeks and is expected to go through some major growth spurts this month!
Movement: I feel small waves and tiny taps from time to time. Maybe a few times a day.
Belly Button: My belly button is still an innie but it’s kind of flattening out as my belly gets round… I think it will be an outie before July.
Gender: It’s a secret! Six days until the gender reveal party my mom is putting together!
Best moment of the week:  Having Kiley by my side taking care of me while I was in the hospital.
What I miss:  I really miss Colorado.  As the weather warms up, I dream of spending days in the mountains.
What I’m looking forward to: Our official anatomy sonogram in 5 days and my trip to CO (for the 4D ultrasound, gender reveal party and Katie’s bridal shower) in 6 days!!!
 Additional Details:  You're probably wondering where my weekly photo is... Crazy because my belly has really popped out this week! Well, this week there wont be a photo. I'll tell you why... I haven’t been feeling well for about a week.  My symptoms would come and go, ranging from back pain, headaches, to body aches.  I think Kiley and I both just associated it with my growing body and pregnancy.  We are really all about personal healing and healing yourself with your mind and your attitude first.  Approach and attitude are everything. Mind over matter. This time, we were wrong.  On Thursday, I woke up with a headache, which has been happening a lot lately but it usually goes away as the day progresses. Typical pregnancy symptom, right? I was fine until about 10am when I also got the shivers really bad… This wasn’t so normal.  My body was shaking so much and I couldn’t control it.  I threw a blanket over myself to try to warm up because I thought I had gotten cold.  Then, I started to vomit.  I knew something wasn’t right so I called my OB and went in to see her partner.  After a quick exam, she said it looked like I had a virus and to try to drink as much water and get as much rest as possible.  I laid in bed all day on Friday trying to find comfort.  I couldn’t eat or drink anything without vomiting it back up.  My back was killing me too.  By this time, my headache still hadn’t gone away.  It had only intensified.  So Saturday afternoon, Kiley and I decided we had better head to the Urgent Care.  They immediately turned us around and ordered us to go to the ER.  They called the ER at Baylor Health (the same hospital I will be delivering at) to let them know we were coming.  I was so uncomfortable.  My head hurt, my back hurt, my body hurt, I was shivering, I was so thirsty but couldn’t hold down more than a few sips of water at a time.  I’m so thankful I had Kiley there with me, taking care of me, assuring me I would be okay.  I love that man so much and he makes his love for me so apparent to me in so many ways. Friends, let me just say how blessed I am to have him by my side... After a short wait, we checked in and finally got to the ER where the nurses and doctors questioned me and tested me.  Now, I’ve always been very cautious of washing my hands and maintaining a sterile environment, especially since I've been pregnant. I knew pregnancy lowered my immune system. But I had no idea I would be that receptive to something this serious.  All week, I had been writing these symptoms off.  How did I overlook such a serious problem?  How could I have gotten something so serious? How could I have overlooked this? ...The answer? I probably couldn't have changed a thing.  The doctor said a kidney stone was formed because of the pressure the growing uterus and shifting organs put on my kidneys.  Thus, resulting in a severe kidney infection. They checked the baby, gave me antibiotics and started me on fluids right away. No time to beat myself up… They said I would need to stay a few days.  They found me a room and within an hour and a half, I was in a room on a floor where they only care for pregnant women.  Initially, my headaches and dehydration were the worst.  Now, I feel back pain that comes in waves.  They say that's my kidney flaring up. After almost a week of misery, I will be out tomorrow (Wednesday, March 20, 2013) but I will have to reschedule my doctors appointment (I had a sonogram set for Wednesday) for another time because I just want to be home to rest and try to prepare for my trip, let alone, complete my school work... I have loved the care I have been given here.  There’s no wonder why Baylor has been rated a top hospital so many years in a row.  I am ready to be well enough to care for myself again.  I am just SO happy the baby is healthy and so grateful to have a man like Kiley, a loving and caring family and the best friends a girl could ask for. Even though most of them are far away, I feel their love and compassion so close to my heart and I feel them beside me every step of the way. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for me, Kiley and our beautiful healthy child.  I wish I could hug you individually right now and truly tell you how much I know those prayers helped keep our baby safe through all of this.

With all my love,


  1. oh goodness!! I so hope you get to feeling better soon, and that you have no other complications! Kidney stones are bad enough on it's own but you throw pregnancy on top of that and yikes! I'm so glad baby Grant is ok and that you're getting there yourself!

    1. Brittany,
      Thank you so much for the love! I am so grateful our babe is okay and I am back to feeling well, too! <3

  2. I'm a fan of the "mind over matter" idea myself, but I'm glad you ditched it and paid attention to what you were feeling. I'd hate to imagine what would have happened had you ignored it instead of going to urgent care and the ER. Anyway, congrats on the baby girl! -Earnestine @ US Healthworks
